My mother rocks. She is hysterical mainly because she is known for her southern bell accent, her precious hospitality and her remarkable gift of being able to get some of the most common phrases and quotes completely wrong. She takes it all with a grain of salt and an enchanting smile as we laugh until we cry reminiscing over her every incorrect statement. God love her.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Paintings by Searcy
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thankful For Complaining?
I have been assigned the duty at work to read through our industry magazines and learn more about the Incentive Travel industry. There is something to be said about the person who makes a point to stop and read the half page article written by the magazine editor. I am not really sure what there is to be said about that person, but most people move right past it to the headliners. Maybe it says they are observant. Anyway, I am one of those people. As I am trying to educate myself on incentive travel and the up and downs of the economy, the editor of One+ Magazine reminded me of what we really need to be focusing on right now - Thanksgiving.
Every year I try to think of what I have been complaining about all year and turn it into a positive. Now let us be real here for a minute, most of my complaints are just me being a spoiled brat so most of them are not really all that negative to begin with. After reading One+ this morning I realized I had not yet processed my thankfulness. So, lucky you, here we go:
I am thankful for…
1. Cramming a three bedroom home into my high school bedroom – it means I have parents supporting me, and I did not have to move from couch to couch when I lost my job.
2. For Avery screaming at a pitch that can break glass when I leave the room – it means she knows me, loves me and misses me.
3. Never having enough time in my day to get everything accomplished – this means I have a purpose in my life and I am proactive in making things happen.
4. Having someone I really love not speaking to me – it means he still has emotion towards me.
5. Waking up at 5:15 am – it means I have a job, a meaningful life and I am definitely not bored.
6. Alabama having a good season this year (I am an Auburn grad and fan) – because it has given my weakening grandmother something to look forward to and gloat about.
Some of these are hard to remember each and every day, but at least I am trying. I may still sound cynical on a daily basis, but sometimes you just have to understand it is more sarcasm than cynicism. Overall, I really do not have anything to complain about, but alas, I still do. So, maybe this New Year's Resolution will be to cut it all out. Now that may be hard seeing as how most of my humor comes from complaining, but we will see how it all plays out. I am sure I will have a few complaints left to express.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Topics Discussed At Work Today by 8:50 am
Saran wrap is the worst invention known to man.
I recently took a pair of pants to a well known local seamstress to have them hemmed. In summary, they were too short, so they “fixed” them and the hem was so loose it pulled out right in front of them. They would not fix the hem with out charging me. I snatched the pants up, stomped out of the store, and slammed their door as well as my car door. I really showed them.
Wire coat hangers. You try to get one down only to find five of them tangled together. You give the one you want a little shake to free it from its tangle only to have all five fall on the floor.
Life is hard.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Not So Dirty Little Secret
I am a faithful subscriber to Field & Stream Magazine and even have an account with, where I am known to enter photos in many of their unique photo contests. I do not think you actually win anything, but I LOVE seeing the pictures on the website. I feel so important, even though they are posted with over 100 photos. Oh well.
So, here is the latest and greatest photo entry and description. Maybe this one will win!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
People Come From Miles Around
I have never understood why there is so much to do in October. Maybe it is the excitement of the cool weather or the leaves beginning to change. It could be football starting back or even a celebration of life we have made it through another hurricane season. Regardless the reason, there are endless festivals, cook-offs and dare I say it, the Fair.
When I was a little girl, the fair in Montgomery was called the South Alabama State Fair. It has of course changed titles throughout the years, but it will ever to me be the South Alabama State Fair. The theme song constantly runs through my head this time of year, and people all around me want to kick me for singing it.
When I was in middle school my best friend, who is now Mrs. Sarah Plummer (+1), lived right by the fair and the fact that I could see the top of the ferris wheel from her house made her that much cooler. We always met up with the kids from school and blushed when we got to ride a ride with a boy. Actually, Sarah ALWAYS got to ride with a boy which I think may have happened once for me, but regardless, we still blushed.
The best was when Sarah’s dad would take us on a Saturday or Sunday morning when there was nobody there and just Sarah and I got to ride all the rides as many times as we wanted. I think she would still agree that hands down the Zipper was our favorite. We always rode that together and never only just once. The Zipper is one of those that flipped you upside down in the smallest cage known to man and your stomach flipped so much you laughed continuously throughout the whole ride.
I have not been to the fair, or any fair at that, for years. Now that I am home I have to say I am itching for it a bit. I really doubt I would fit in those little cages and well, let’s be honest, my stomach is not as strong as it used to be. So, this year I settled for another part of the fair that was completely foreign to me as a child. I entered a painting in the Art Contest.
My co-worker, Amy, was gracious enough to let me take my painting off of her wall for two weeks so I could have a chance at winning a quick $500. I ended up getting food poisoning during the time you had to enter your paintings, but God willing, Amy and I were going to get it there. I crawled into the Coliseum with my painting in tow, breaking a sweat one minute and freezing the next. I just knew I was going to win something for all of this. Wrong.
I got beat by a bunch of third graders!!!! First, second and third place went to all elementary school students and then there were about 5 honorable mentions, in which I did not receive one. There were plenty of entries around mine that won, but I got nothing. Not that I think I am better than everyone, because I am not, but if I cannot do better than elementary artwork, I need a new hobby.
Regardless it was fun doing it and I got a minute in the fair. I did not ride any rides, but I did try to get some of the legendary fudge. I wanted to cry when I saw it was cash only. If only I had won the art contest, I could have paid for the fudge.
And before I forget, I could never post this without including the old jingle for you:
People come from miles around
From the farms and from the towns
To where excitement will be found
At the South Alabama State Faaaaaaair
Pure poetry.
The soar loser...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Adventures of the Williford Household: Good Girl Heidi
“Yeah, I see. She does look really great.”
“Here is the little hunter now. Hey Heidi, whatcha got there?
Oh my God. Heidi, drop it!!”
“What is that?!”
“I don’t know! I squirrel?”
“Where did it go?!”
“Watch out!!”
“Is it under my chair?!”
“Yeah, that’s a chipmunk.”
“Well, it is in shock now.”
“See, I told you she was good.”
Monday, September 7, 2009
Cane Etiquette
For the past few weeks my father has been walking with a cane. He is in need of a hip replacement, so until that happens, he has the cane. When I saw the cane for the first time I began planning my escape route. I just knew the cane would be this dark cloud over our house. It is not easy to have to rely on something else in order to walk, and I was terrified my father would be frustrated. I was wrong.
The whole purpose of the cane is to create an additional mobile support system for individuals needing a little extra assistance. I like to think of it as a railing you can take with you anywhere you go in order to hold on. It is not, however, to be used as an extension of your hand. Yes, there are a lot of cool things you can do with a cane and I think my father has gotten pretty close to figuring them all out. But here are a few cane tricks he is going to need to lay off of:
- It is one thing to talk with your hands, but it is a whole other story when you talk with your hands and do not put the cane down first. You find yourself with a rubber stump about an inch from your face. It can get a little distracting.
- My mother means well. She does. Sometimes she just talks at the wrong time. My sister and I have been trying to figure out a way to get her to stop interrupting and to stop trying to guess the rest of everyone’s sentences. My Dad found a way - the cane. Last night she would not let me finish what I was saying and my dad just popped her with the cane. Right there in front of everyone, he just popped her with it. We were all so taken back by it, that we could not stop included.
- Hanging the cane on any possible surface in order to see if it will stay there, is not the point of the cane. What in the hell do you think happens when it falls and he cannot reach down to pick it up? I end up chasing a cane all over the house. I tell ya, being 27 and living with your parents is awesome.
In all honesty my Dad looks pretty cool with the cane. It kind of sends the “don’t mess with me” message. Like he could take you down with one quick flick of the wrist. Just ask mom, she knows.
Even though I am thrilled the cane did not turn into a black cloud for the Yoders, it has caused some inappropriate entertainment for my Dad. I am very thankful my dad decided to use the cane. I know it probably took mom a long time to make him see he really cannot walk without it, he is in some desperate need of Cane Etiquette.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Analytical Dream
I am driving in the median trying to stay on track and not lose control. The horses never stop; they keep pushing me over and over until I cross the other side of the interstate. The embankment on the other side of the road it a mass of dark brown mud. Mountains of soft, suffocating mud. The horses lose control, knocking me out of my car and into the mud. I am flying high and then sliding down the muddy hillside. The horses are still moving towards me, chasing me down the hillside. I am shoving my feet and my arms into the mud trying to slow myself down and stop the falling before the horses land on top of me. I can feel the mud consuming me, comfortably surrounding me and slowing suffocating me.
I cannot die. I cannot leave yet, I have too much to do. My mother will cry and my father will miss me. I have to beat the horses. I cannot let them fall on me.
The movement stops. I am lying at the bottom of the muddy hillside. I am alive. There is something wrong with my leg, but I do not care. I get up. I walk away the only survivor except for one horse. He is standing calmly in the middle of the road. He is waiting for me. He is my only way to get away from this place. I climb on his back and we ride together to find my parents, to find help. I see the police and the ambulance down the road, but they are so far away. Why are they so far down the road, when we are down here?
He takes me to them, to safety, as I lay on his back. He delivers me home, the only survivor.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Slipping Away
Her legs no longer able to carry her
Finding strength in the arms of her sons
A soul that never fell when her body could not stand
Even when there is no will to eat
She hungers for us to stay
Too see our faces and know our stories
Slipping away
When we think she is not with us
Her humor reminds us she is still here
Every bit of here is here now
She does not want to be left alone
To feel left out of the lives we share
But she is the reason we are all here
She is why we live and why we love
Slipping away
The drawl of her voice is strong yet sweet
Reminding me it will all be alright
Her lingering gaze tells me what she wants to say
What words cannot express as beautifully as we can
I will sit with you and bring you comfort
As you have done every day before
You will live with in us
Never leaving our hearts, but protecting our souls
Slipping away
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wisdom in Your Own God
Now, I have stayed away from writing about my personal beliefs and opinions, but I know this is one we can all stand to listen to, so hang in there. Just this morning I received an email devotional. I love getting these because it allows me to have a moment in the day to spark some thought and talk to Him about Him. Sometimes I do not get a chance to read them and honestly sometimes they just go right over my head and I talk to Him about something else completely. The one I received today sparked a little thought in my head about how I experience my God and how I understand His wisdom.
The following point was made: "Tap into His wisdom - by being in scripture consistently and by praying regularly - in order to know His desires for you."
My first thought was, “Who said this is how you understand His wisdom and why is that the only way?” I do agree with the fact that we learn more and more about His wisdom when we spend more time in his scripture and in prayer, but I do not think that is all we can do to understand his wisdom.
When I walk outside on a very sunny day and feel the rain pouring down on me, I understand that God can make “out of the ordinary” things happen, and so can I. When I hear Avery laugh as I walk in the room, I understand what real love is and why He loves me and why my parents and family love me. I gain wisdom more in actions, observations and experiences. I may lose someone I love through tragedy or simply through bad timing, but I grow in the wisdom of His plan. Although I think it is good to read the scripture and come to know it, I also think we need to raise our heads more often and live it.
There are so many cultures I hope to experience and so many gods I want to meet. I think we all have the same faith that connects us, because we believe in something that makes us who we are and makes us whole. These gods are alive and teaching us in what we see, what we feel, what we want and how we live. Everything about us reveals a faith in some form, we just have to stop and see it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Finally - A Good Rush
Earlier this week I got a call from Tomatino's Pizza here in Montgomery asking if I could bring in come pantings to place on the wall. I believe I wrote to you earlier how I was torn on the idea of trying to sell these masterpieces (yeah right), but after today I am all for it! So they called and asked if I could be there at 1pm on Sunday. In less than a week I got a whole business plan together for these paintings. I do not want to look like I am putting all of my eggs in one basket, but I want to be ready if something else comes of this. So of course the first order of business was business cards from Mom! As soon as she got the news, her little printer started working. She made me some really classy business cards for Paintings by Searcy Yoder. Nothing outrageous in the title, just simple and the way it is.
Caroline from Tomatino's was so nice to coach me through this process considering I had no idea how to price or even how much space was available. She said a guy backed out and she needed to fill some space. I was thinking I maybe had room for like 2 of my reguslar sized pieces and then I could fill in with some small ones, just to get started. Thank goodness I decided to take all of my pieces today, because they ALL made the wall!!! I was so excited when I walked in and did not see one piece on the walls. I could not help but think, "No way this is all my space", and I was right. Half of the restaurant was mine!!! Unreal.
So if you are hungry, go eat pizza. The restaurant is not too large, so you really cannot sit anywhere without sitting next to one of my paintings. The prices are very reasonable. You will see pieces ranging from $20 - $55 and they will be there until October 4th. Maybe one day I can charge over $100, but babysteps. I do not want to get too far ahead of myself.
At one point I was sitting on the back of the booth seat hanging up the last piece and I looked down the wall at all the little stories I painted. I laughed at the secrets they hold and felt a little sad. I felt like I was dropping off my child at college. They are all so grown up and out in the world on their own. I was leaving and felt like I needed to tell them goodbye, so of course I did when Caroline was not looking. It is sad to think I may not see them again, but I guess it would be even more sad if I did not sell any!! Grass is always greener. I guess there is not much risk here. If I fall on my face, I will be happy to bring them back home.
You can view the paintings at:
Keep a look out for a new link later on. I just got a Mac and not sure if I will still use Picasa or if it will change, but I will update ya!
I hope you like them!

Friday, July 31, 2009
Learn Something New Every Day
Did you know that was how it was spelled or even said?!!!???
I just found this out.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Oh The Tangled Web We Weave
Then I saw the tiny little sheet of paper underneath each piece stating the requested price. I was astonished. I know how much it does NOT cost to create a painting. I mean, yes, some canvases are more expensive and paints can take a paycheck, but not these. Even if they did use the nicer paints, the canvas was only about 8x8 to maybe 12x12. Seriously, you can get these in packs of three for under $10 at Hobby Lobby. Oh, and you use the same paints on each painting! These prices would have covered your paint cost for an entire series in the selling of one piece of work.
The prices were not outlandish in theory, but for these paintings, I would say they could be negotiated down and still make a pretty penny. So, I got to thinking. I paint. I am not all that good, but I paint and I like them. I could definitely use some extra money to move along the “moving out of my parent’s house” project. So, I made a little call this afternoon and left a message to see what I can do about maybe getting some of my paintings on the wall.
Now, the only hill I have to get over is the idea of losing my paintings. I have this attachment to them, and I am terrified I will never see them again once they are sold. Each painting has a place on my wall so it can let the whole world see it (me). They have been the color that makes my home pretty and the uniqueness that has made my home mine. They cover my room now, making me relax when I walk in the door. So, I am supposed to let some stranger take them and I will never get to see them again or enjoy their presence again? It will be like they were never created and never existed. Oh the drama!
Now, just because a painting could end up on the wall at Tomatino’s Pizza does not guarantee it will sell. They may even put them up there and just take them all down again in a month only to be returned to my room. Now, I would be OK with that, but then you know I would be mad nobody liked them. So then I would just have to go eat worms. Again, drama.
So, you see where I am getting this web from? I get all tied up in things and then have a really hard time letting them go. Even though I know I can live with out them and once they are gone I get over it pretty fast. But still, it is a web and I made it. So now I have to untangle it, so that maybe I could make some money.
Mari Michael
Among the many ludicrous dreams listed, I do have some that reach deep into the roll I really want to play in this world. I want to write a book. To be able to capture the essence of a story and its emotions in words and colors speaks immeasurable wonders to me, and I want to speak it to you.
A good friend of mine has a soul I envy and a mind I desire. She is one of the most captivating individuals I know and each time I talk to her or read her words, she moves me and chills me. To me, the process of writing a book is just that, a process. Meaning, it will take years to understand the curves and soul of the story I want to tell and how I want to tell it. It will take time and money to communicate this story to someone who can print it for me and lay it all out so that is comes together as one entity speaking to many. I want to be sure each line is heard and each page is perfectly portraying my image. Sometimes I just think too much.
Over the past eight months Mari Michael has traveled through three continents and 19 countries to find herself in Cairo, Egypt. She has been bursting with imagines and ideas through observations. When she started journaling her experiences, I told her she had to write some sort of travel guide when she returned home, but she has far exceeded my expectations. She has taken her life for the past eight months and captured it in the purest form of emotion and has written a book. She has managed to accomplish what I only dream to accomplish before I die! Again, chills me.
You have to read this. The knowledge and the perspectives you will gain is astonishing. You will be moved to look at the world from angles you have never known. As a writer I see the world in words and colors and that is how I observe emotion. As an architect, Mari Michael sees the world in textures and patterns. Combining these two perspectives has at times felt a little overwhelming for me to take in at once, but I want to do it again and again. There are so many stories in this world to be told and so many objects that hold them. Now the challenge is hearing the stories and capturing their movement to reflect it back to you.
Mari Michael, I hope by reading this you get a sense of motivation that you are doing the right thing. Your path in life is strong and bountiful. God has blessed you with your intellect and ability to express it. God has blessed us, for allowing us to hear it. Thank you.
Zoom: A Travel Documentary Through Texture
Mari Michael’s blog
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mamma Anne
Her legs cannot move her
Her arms cannot carry her
Her body cannot balance her
But she keeps picking herself back up
Time after time she falls only to be lifted
Lifted by her sons
Lifted by her soul
She may not eat or drink much anymore
But she is far from giving up
What is it she is reaching for to keep it up
What does she see standing before her, waiting
Her petite body cannot support her anymore
But she still smiles
She still moves each of us
The epitome of a lady to the very core
Always with her hair in place
A suite and jewelry like her mother taught her
She will not speak of the curse sitting upon her
Instead she embraces the company and smiles at the cards
She has always been the reason my family stays in touch
No matter how different we may be, our faith in her is parallel
We see bits and pieces of ourselves in her
Hoping every day we will absorb her being and walk in her ways
Her conversation is weak, but her mind is strong
She has a plan, something on her mind
What is it she thinks of every day
What is it that weighs on her heart
There is so much more I want to learn from her
I have so many more questions
How do I ask them
How do I understand
Friday, July 17, 2009
Six Word Story
Sometimes it is not what you say that makes the lasting impression, it is how you say it. I am a big believer in this theory and I think it makes all the difference in life and how you choose to love it. Hemingway was able to take you from a feeling of excitement in new beginnings to a sadness you find yourself not being able to completely understand in only six words.....only six seconds!! When I first read this story, my heart was racing. It was as if it was still trying to transition from the happy to the sad all the while not understanding what just happened.
I do not particularly like the theme of tragedy in my writing, but it has a way of capturing the true emotion and soul behind a story or a situation or even a word. It is moving, really. It makes me want to think within myself and even act positively towards others to try and solve it. All of this in only six words!!!
I keep thinking about the essence of the six word story and how I can use it. Do I use it in a letter to someone? Do I write a lot down day by day and make a song of it? Do I bring it up in conversation only to see what others can come up with? It is a good way to see inside someone else's mind and how it works. So I say yes to all of these!! Check out this site of some more six word stories: Some are very coy, some are a little creepy and some are pretty good. I like the ones you have to stop and think about for an extra second or so.
Try writing your own six word stories. Try it out on your friends when you are sitting around on the front porch just killing time. You would be surprised at the emotions you will experience together without a warning. It is quite the literart thrill. And to think, I got all of this from a fishing magazine. You never know where you will grow a little these days.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Full Of It
My darling’ love just said that he
Thinks that he is done with me
At one point all his love was clear
But that has been long over a year
I don’t believe he wants to quit
I just think he’s full of shit
So just go on and pack your car
I have a date waitin’ at the bar
Someone who will never be
As fit as you ever were for me
I’m not great I must admit
But I still think you are full of shit
I’m not gonna sit around here forever
So you better start getting familiar with never
One day you’ll see where you were wrong
And much to your surprise I’ll be gone
Some things I just have to quit
Cause love aint really that legit
Most guys aren’t even worth a bit
Or maybe I’m just full of shit
Monday, June 22, 2009
Glamorous Career? If you say so.
As an incentive travel company we do not just throw parties, we take the simple skeleton of what our client wants and take it 10 steps further. We offer unique entertainment, exquisite dinning experiences created specifically for the client and there is always more than one "WOW" factor hidden in each event. We come up with out of the box opportunities and we guarantee it will take the experience our client is giving to their customer to the next level.
For every event, we are on-site hours before it begins making sure every linen is cleaned, every centerpiece is up to par, every bar is stocked and every light is at the perfect level to set the atmosphere our client expects. We shake hands with every waiter, bartender and custodian because we are partners making this experience come to life.
The sand may be hot, but our feet do not get burned. The sunset may be the most beautiful sight ever seen, but we are moving food around on the buffet so it does not look picked over. The fireworks may give you goose bumps, but ours come from the cold AC in the ballroom we are setting up.
My line of work is hard work and it is pleasing to make an experience come to life for 300 people. When we travel to the beach to escort a trip, we are not spending our time boozing it up and burying our feet in the sand. We are awake at 5:30 am until midnight making sure our clients have what they need and are being taken care of. We may get to work for a week in Cancun or Disney World, but it is rare we get to walk outside of the hotel lobby doors.
So next time you ask me what I do, do not be so quick to judge. I work hard just like you do and I get frustrated and tired just like you do. I just get to do it in a hotel room on a remote beach every now and then. Not much different than you.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fun in the Sun: Day 1
I had three amazing hours in the car day-dreaming I was on stage singing Sugarland one minute and Flo Rida the next. It was just what I needed to clear my head and get ready for the week ahead. I was overjoyed when I received a call from Debbie before I even got to Troy and out of cell phone service to let me know we already had changes. Yes! Needless to say I put the pedal to the metal to get out of cell phone service range and back on stage. Liz did a great job of following me and to my surprise kept up with me most of the way. I think I may have scared Kristin when we stopped to use the restroom at a filling station outside of Elba, AL. It is one of my routine stops. I cannot help it if the bugs like to camp out in there to get out of the heat. I would too.
Everyone here at the Hilton has been amazing. I may have already told about five people I love them. Matthew and I had lunch together and shared Destin gossip. It was great to get a fresh perspective on many challenges I have had from other positions. We ended the meal in agreement, we are new best friends.
Pre-con was great! Everyone was active and not counting the minutes until they could walk out the door. Normally you would not say there are things you love about pre-cons or that you had a great time at your pre-con, but when Liz is involved, they are always exciting. All you have to do is say the word “pyrotechnics” around her and she is sold. It is as if the pocket book just falls open. We heard they have a guy from Tallahassee who does fireworks for them on the beach and within the hour we had him agreed to it and a permit from Walton County to cover it. Now do you know how long it takes to get any sort of permit from Walton County? I do. Not less than an hour!! I have spent years working with Walton County on alcohol permits for various events and it takes at least a good decade. I mean there are hoops you have to jump through and then come back and do a backbend through. Not for this guy and not for Liz! I need whatever phone number they have!!
Once we had the fireworks display set and scheduled, Liz totally called me out in front of the Banquets Manager. Here is how the story goes. We were reviewing the Banquet Event Orders for the Farewell Dinner. I had created the menus and all had been approved by Liz and the client. We all agreed on Mini Crab Cakes. Being the good service provider that she is, Liz read up on all our notes from when we visited the Hilton in February. She remembered those notes mentioned no crab cakes with exclamation marks. She called this to my attention in the meeting stating, “Someone came up to me at the Feb. event and noted to not have crab cakes at the next event. They did not like them.” She kept asking me who that was and if we need to take them off. Finally I just confessed. I gave a little smile and a bashful head drop and said, “Oh. That was me.” The room started howling! You would have no way to know this, but I am quite the crab cake snob and I admitted in front of all Hilton Staff that I do not like their crab cakes. They were just too rich for me and I needed to make a note of it. I just forgot to elaborate on the note. So now, the Hilton Staff are all threatening to place crab cakes in my hotel room!
One more note before I go. If you ever plan to go to dinner with two college girls headed into their second year, do not try to dress cute, because it simply will not work. I realized tonight that I am no longer the cute one at dinner. I am simply older and my style is too. I really showed my age when I started talking about the One Size Fits All CK1 t-shirts that were the big thing when I was in middle school. They of course had no idea what I was talking about and when I explained to them the shirts were cut wide and really short to show your bellybutton, they laughed. In my face. Oh, and did I mention the waiter asked for our drink order and only offered Liz a margarita? What is it going to be, I look too old or too young? I will take too old. At least I can drink!
Monday, June 15, 2009
It is amazing how words can come together to create such a vision of love.
This is poetic genius right here!!
I have a friend who lives in Birmingham
She is fatter than any one I have ever known
Every day she eats a pound of ham
And gets mad when nobody wants to take her home
You can tell when she is near
When the ground begins moving
For her smell stales every beer
And makes your stomach start pucking
Do not get me wrong
I love her even through all of her disgusting fat
But when she wears a thong
The sight will blind you as a bat
She likes to turn her rap music up too loud
Hoping you will think the thumping is from her car
When it is really just the ground
Praying she will stop and not try to walk too far
She has a friend who looks just like her
Their combined fatness is just too bad
There is a mighty stench lingering in the air
When you see Lyndal and Fat Brad
Happy Birthday Lyndal!!
Thank you for being such an inspiration for my poetic endeavours.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Here goes nothing......
Year after year you have waited
You have attempted only to be shaded
Your eyes were always wrapped around me
And your comfort was always protecting
I have been scared of your heart
For I knew I would follow
My eyes have been focused in the mirror
Seeing only my soul as may reflection
My eyes have been cast away to see what lies around me
You are standing near, in a place you have never left
I lay in your arms only for a moment
Finding the place I have been looking for
I do not want to leave this time
I will not push
Could it be too late
To walk the rest of this path with you in hand
Have you tired of the wait
And moved on to a better land
You deserve love that moves you each day
To show you my love, each night I pray
I will wait for you now
To be ready for my heart
My eyes only see you
While we whisper in the dark
December 31, 2008
I remember a time in my life where each day was not remembered for only one key moment. Each hour seemed to have a turning point or a meaning all of its own. I was twenty three years old, working at the beach and living in a house built for wealthy vacationers. I could hear the waves with my balcony doors open, and I could smell the salt on my skin. I was in love.
He was six years older than me. The fact that he was older than my sister made me squirm, but he had those lines in the corners of his eyes when he smiled. He could predict each sunset to the very minute by holding two fingers up between himself and the sun. We won a lot of free drinks off of that talent alone.
He would surprise me too. When I would meet up with friends without him, I would try to sound okay with it, but he knew I would rather him be there. So, at some point in time he would always show up beside me. One time the bartender brought me a shot from “someone at the bar”. I sniffed it, but there was no smell, and then I tasted it. I immediately started to laugh and found his eyes across the bar. He was so coy, sending me a shot of water.
Every morning started with hot showers and lonely goodbyes. There would be calls here and there at the office with hilarious stories about him and his co-workers on the job sites. I was the first one out of the door at five o’clock, so I could find him waiting for me on the front porch.
He was, and I believe still is, one of the most understanding men I know, but if you give him an inch, he knows how to take a mile.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
I find myself wanting to feel things again. I want butterflies and bashfulness. I want to be proud of my home and of the risks I choose to take. I want to turn the key to a home I created, and lay in the bed I designed. I want to get frustrated because I wake up and it’s Monday and not Saturday.
I remember I used to look out my car window driving home from work and I was so proud of myself for the life I had made for myself. I did not depend on anything but God and myself to get where I was. I woke up excited and went home content. I was actually marking things off of my “List of Things to Do in Life”.
I do feel things still. I feel fear. I feel confused, completely lost. I know there is light somewhere at the end of this tunnel, and I know it is not a train. I just wish I had a quick remedy to get rid of this grey cloud up above.
Most of the time I am just mad. Mad at myself for getting this way and thinking like this. When did I start feeling so sorry for myself? When did I start letting the world get to me. Is this depression, because I refuse to be depressed? I have more confidence in myself than that.
I know I am strong and I know I am bigger than all this. I guess right now it is a matter of getting up and being bigger than this.
I am just so ready for the day I surround myself with someone who can look at me and know exactly what I am feeling or thinking.
Is that real?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Need Your Thoughts
Monday, April 20, 2009
Final Destination
Now it is six hours later and as you can guess my mood has changed. I really do not get it about people in airports. It is every man for him self. I do not expect people to cater to me by all means, but at least keep yourself from knocking me all over creation.
I was waiting in line in the Orlando airport to go through security when my bag fell over and my wallet spilled out on the floor. Do you think people helped me? No, they just moved out of the way so my stuff would not hit them, like it was red paint or something. Then I placed my items on the conveyer belt, which I had quite a lot - one bucket for bag and shoes, one bucket for laptop, one bucket for purse and then my extremely heavy rolling case (which I make very apparent with grunts quite often). I was literally laying over all of the buckets in order to push them down the line. Do you think the man with only a backpack behind me offered a friendly hand? No, he walked AROUND ME!!!! Enough said on that one.
So I wait an hour and a half for my flight. No big deal. I expected it. Disney gets you there so far ahead of time so you spend money in the airport. It is such a ploy and let me tell you they will not fool me. So I waited patiently. Then I got up to board my over booked flight only for the airline person at the door to tell me I had to check one of my three bags. I know I may not fly much and am supposed to know this naturally, but post that somewhere will ya? The nice man behind me tried to take one of my bags for me because literally the tears were on the way, but the woman would not let him. Evil. So I got out of line, stood there a minute, then two of my bags in the same hand and tried again. Got her!!!! I was on the plane. I still have the sneaky touch.
Now I find myself sitting alone in the Atlanta airport lounge with a Scotch (neat) writing to you. How on earth would you have time to do this might you ask. Well, well, do not be fooled by the new renovations of the Montgomery Airport. They still do not know how to run flights! My patience is delayed and so is my flight. I sure am glad I have this laptop with me. If not, I would be writing holes in the pages of my journal.
Thank you for listening this week. I hope it is all humorous to you, because all in all, it is to me. One thing I have learned about myself is that, yes, I am a bit crazy and ,yes, my fuse may be a bit short, but I always end up laughing at myself over it. If you cannot laugh at yourself, then why breath?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Homeward Bound
I think it is their mindset that I am attracted to the most. Everyone on our trip was from Alabama. They all work hard all week long and understand what it means to earn what they gain. They do not ask for much when it comes to getting away or celebrating. Most of them find pleasure in the same things I do; warm weather, fresh air, cold beverages, and a little face paint does not hurt either.
All in all the trip was a success. It was the first program I have managed where I have not been the one sweating the whole time, setting up the layouts and driving the trucks! It was nice to not be stressed out for once, but I still miss the sweat. I think that is something my Daddy instilled in me - hard work. There is just something about working so hard that you sweat, your hands get banged up and your feet feel as though they have been walking on stones. Your mind and body feel as though you have gone beyond your limits and you survived. I definitely need that and miss that.
While I have been here at Disney World I have had a lot of time to observe and a lot of people to watch. There are all kinds of families and cultures here. It is a good place to come and observe when you are not too sure about what parenting style you want to go for. I am definitely not wishing I had a family at the moment. I want to travel and experience things with someone, but I am not ready to tote the kids around yet. I do know that when I am ready to do that, I want to go somewhere we can fly by the seat of our pants and experience the location instead of "see" it. I have never been much of a tourist and always look for the local aspects of a place so I can live in their culture. That is what I want to teach my children. I want them to learn about culture and how people live their lives in their own ways and in their own norms. Knowing and understanding this will help them know and understand themselves. I never want my children to feel as though they were born into a certain future. I want them to make their own future.
So I guess I could say I got a good bit out of my trip. I tried to at least. I feel as though our client got a lot out of it. This trip was planned to focus on the relationship building of their staff and their customers. Not only did they want to focus on the relationships between their staff and customers, but between customers in general. They are working to build a network, a family within their vocation. I cannot stress how important this is in an economic situation as this. Their family will take care of them anywhere they go, help them build their businesses and help them reach their goals. Amen, right?
I look forward to the next venture and the lessons learned there. Hopefully they will all be as positive and enlightening as this one, but I embrase the hardships and the stress too. I am a firm believer in the the hardest and scariest experiences and decisions in our lives are the most worth while.
Thank you for reading and until next time...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
WDW Day.....What Number Is It Again?
I was in the gift shop yesterday shopping for postcards for my little cousins. I found myself giving other women bad looks because they were seriously shopping for Disney jewelry. They had on these awful mom outfits with Mickey all over them and I thought to myself, “Did you look in the mirror and really think your husband was going to think that was hot?” Then something shiny caught my eye. I found myself engulfed in all of the different things you put Mickey ears on. It is incredible what they do with those ears! As I came out of my traces I looked down at myself and at what I was wearing. I am 5 foot 2 so of course there are no capris that fit me right, but yet it is a uniform requirement. So I was currently sporting a pair of seersucker khaki capris with a crotch that lands somewhere between the actual crotch location and my knees while the cuff of the pants lands just an inch above my ankles. I also had a sporty golf shirt with my nametag and gold Mickey ears perfectly in place. I was one of them. I do not know how this happened, but I felt as though I should be shopping for Disney jewelry because for some reason at the moment, I cared about the jewelry.
Immediately I walked out of the gift shop. I went to my room and put on the only other items of clothing I brought besides the “uniform”. I pranced out of my room in my sexy work out clothes, a.k.a red running shorts and an Umbro t-shirt. I went for a nice long walk and felt normal again. I wanted to sit out by the lake after my walk and eat my dinner, but I was concerned about stinking up the place. Then I passed by a Hispanic man who obviously was not concerned about his odor, so I figured he would cover mine up.
I do have to mention something that happened at the hotel today. A young boy about the age of 3 was found early this morning (around 5 or 6 am) by one of the pools in his pajamas. He could only remember his first name so the staff took him to the front lobby. This little boy was lost for over five hours. There was never any word from parents or any clues as to what may have happened. There were even multiple police around him in order to keep him safe. This poor little boy was so scared, but the front desk staff was taking good care of him. The police began going door to door until they finally found little James’ parents. They were sound asleep, claiming they has locked and latched the door. I just do not understand how this happens. I thought parents slept with one eye open? Am I wrong?
Anyway, the weather is good and the trip is a hit! Everyone has enjoyed themselves and we have heard nothing but positive feedback. I plan on getting some rays today. I found a somewhat hidden pool in the back of the property where I may rest my soul for an hour or two. I hope my travels tomorrow will be smooth, but I sure hope there are some stories to tell too.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
WDW Day 3
Day three has ended and it was a fantastic end my I add. I got to meet all of our guests today as they registered with us. It is so funny to communicate with people over the phone or email and you get this picture in your head of what they look like. Then, once you actually meet them, they look completely different. This happened all day!
My Conf. Services Manager was a bit more on her toes. Our Conference Center Concierge, Eddie, offered Liz one of the staff radios so she can get whomever she needs when she needs. I think my Conf. Services Manager almost killed him in front of us, but of course Liz’s eyes light up. I was howling inside and I think Eddie was too. My Conf. Services Manager was in fear all day of her radio, but little did she know, Liz has no idea how to use it.
Eddie also gave me a private lesson on the Segway (sp?). Do not worry, ladies, I have pictures. I was also ready to kill someone for one of those machines about mid-day when my feet started screaming.
Ok, Ok, enough about my feet, I know. I just want to know who is responsible for the pedi when I return. According to our dress code, I am no longer up to standards.
Speaking of dress codes, I wish you could have seen Jim’s shoes tonight at the beach party. His tennis shoes were so crisp and clean I could have sworn he just took them out of the box. I am telling you, the whitest shoe laces I have ever seen, and you know I bent down and investigated. The best part is, they are 5 years old and he wears them every week!
The beach party was a blast. We definitely have some notes, but everyone had a good time. Our camera is full of pictures of children, so of course you know I was in charge of those. I am in love with Pattie Riethmiare and Mike is pretty much in love with me too.
About 8:30 pm when the bar was just about to close, all the men decided they had just enough to drink to be completely confident and all got their faces painted. Then they went to the bar. We have all kinds of creatures in the Coronado Springs bar at this moment. We have parrots, alligators, butterflies, tigers and so much more. The best part is when the alligator tries to eat the parrot! We definitely have pictures of that.
I wish I had more to report, but I will just have to make something up tomorrow I guess.
Miss ya’ll.
Mr. Howard Holman
He is a simple man who still knows the value of hard work.
You can see the years of labor on his hands, and you experience his joy in this work when he speaks to you.
He and his wife live in the farming lands of Lillian, AL.
He wakes up each morning in a place I would give my life to wake up in.
When I was growing up we always went down to my family’s house on Soldier Creek for any possible vacation allowed. When we would get there the water would be turned on, the lights and fans inside the house would be on and the curtains would be opened. We knew he had been there. We knew that little red pick-up truck had made its way down our road so we could start enjoying this land from the moment we arrived.
My father’s eye sight has weakened over the years, and he understands that. Our house is old and there is always something to repair when we visit. He knows that too. There have been many times he has selflessly left his family on holidays or weekends to help my father with what needs to be fixed, only so my father could enjoy his family. Selflessness.
Mr. Davis has a home down the road. He would visit Mr. Davis every morning, sit on the porch and enjoy a cup of coffee. The blackest coffee I can only imagine. They would share and understand each others ways and trials. They would silently watch the natural wonders of this land and know they have more than any other man could buy. Now Mr. Davis is gone and he sits with his son, Johnny. Johnny is a grown man with grown children of his own, but he still sits and he still shares those cups of coffee in the morning. He still understands.
When we heard of his illness, I cried. He is an older man and I understand it is his time, but he has so many more people to touch. If everyone could just have a minute with him, our world would be so different. My friends and acquaintances do not always understand my desire to live at Soldier Creek. There are no young couples, there are no night time venues, but there is an essence of him there. A person I want to become.
If I could live my life waking up at Soldier Creek, working my hands to the bone each day, and having those relationships with my community and their descendents, I would be the wealthiest woman alive. That is what he did. He lived, he loved, he gave and he understood.
Howard Holman passed away yesterday from a short fight with Cancer. They are a righteous family and do not want gifts, they do not want visitors. They simply wanted each other. Our prayers need to go out to his wife, Mrs. Holman. She is now without her love, without her heart. They lost a daughter a few years back to the same villain. There is nothing stronger than the power of prayer, and I give all of mine to her.
WDW Day 2
Mountains were moved today, Girls, and my feet feel as if they have climbed each and every one of them! Debbie, the shoes may be cute, but if you plan on walking for 12 hours straight, I suggest you just take them off.
So the amazin Conference Services Manager showed up this morning to greet me and tell me nothing about the program. She did have all of the correct Park Hopper passes and Disney Dollars to hand over, but if I wanted to ask her anything else today, I was out of luck. She made sure I knew she had a full plate with other clients and would only be available at 2:30 pm during our pre-con.
I noticed that if I wanted to use the internet in the convention center and in my room on the same day, I still have to pay two separate 24 hour fees for each location ($10 each may I add). So, I asked my Conf. Services Manager if there was anything we could do about it. I am pretty sure you can see where that went. Blank stare. Awkward silence. I guess I simply asked too much. What on Earth was I thinking? I mean, I am only bringing in over 240 room nights, 179 people with disposable income and two large events with over 170 food and beverage guarantees each. So they really must need those double charges for internet fees to make up for all the money they are going to lose while they are sold out this week. I can understand that. Sure.
Then swept in our very own Angel Elizabeth. Debbie told me she would shape up that Conf. Services Manager of mine and she sure did. Liz made a fantastic introduction at the pre-con and was even able to talk the staff into rolling the 8 foot table full of fruit into our hospitality room. She then approached the internet issue with the Conf. Services Manager in front of the pre-con meeting. When she received the same response as I had, Liz let the silence set in and at the right time she went in for the kill. Calm before the storm I tell ya. She looked those department heads right in the eyes and said, “Well, that needs to change. How can we do that?” I literally had to look down and pretend I was writing something very important. Next thing I know Liz has changed the entire internet process for meeting planners. So if you ever plan on hosting a meeting at Coronado Springs, you now have a private internet code so you have free internet anywhere. Mountain number one.
Mountain number two may be a bit more of a shocker for you all. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle this one? Debbie and Trish, get a fresh cup of coffee for this one. Marrilee, take a hit of your shaker, and Amy, run to the bathroom real fast. We can wait.
Drum roll…….As soon as the bottles of water arrived and were ready for stuffing, "Mr. I Only Pretent To Work" arrived. Not only did he actually show up, he worked. He took command and executed the task at hand within 20 minutes. It was as if I saw the sea parting in HD. I could not believe my eyes.
Of course I cannot end this day’s recap without mention of mountain number three. You girls were so awesome to help me out today with Mike’s flight changes. I would like to quote Amy in saying you all were “on it like white on rice.” Thank you! I was actually able to call the airline myself and re-arrange the flights without totally screwing everything up. Maybe there is a travel agent somewhere deep inside of me. Deep, deep inside of me.
Have you ever noticed that everyone here is named Juan or Jose? Oh, and EVERYONE speaks another language. I find myself listening to people’s conversations just to try and see what their accent sounds like or if I can decipher what they are trying to say in their foreigness. It is so cool to not speak English. I am serious! I keep looking at people in awe as I eavesdrop on their conversations. Now, if I had actually taken advantage of all the money my parents dished out on my college prepatory high school, then I could have some sort of second language to impress people with, but I guess I will just have to stick to eavesdropping.
Well, Ladies, that is all for today. My dogs are barkin’.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
WDW - Day 1
A little background on the trip for you. I work at a travel agency in Montgomery. My position is as the Program Manager for incentive travel. I am taking a large group (179 individuals to be exact) of Heating and A/C company owners and their families to Walt Disney World. Everyone is from Alabama and everyone is totally excited. The girls back at the office (Amy, Debbie, Trish and Marrilee) all have been joking on me because I am not what you would call cheerful. I am honestly excited to be here in Disney, but I am not going to wear the ears.
Day 1: April 14, 2009 - travel day
Amy, no matter what I tell you do not ever book me a flight out of the Gump again. I will actually pay you the booking fee personally to fly me out of any airport but the Montgomery Airport. It is sad when everyone else waiting on the flight turns to me to translate the Ebonics being communicated over the intercom. It is even sadder when I can actually do it.
I am walking through the Atlanta airport lacking two days worth of sleep, looking like I am ready to punch someone in the face and all of the Delta sales agents throughout the airport call me out to try and sell me something with sky miles. The first agent got a nice, “No thank you, I already have sky miles.” The second agent got a frustrated, “No thank you”, and the third agent got a, “Stop talking to me”. Seriously. I said it.
Have no fear, all was not lost once I boarded the plane heading to Disney. I did have to store my carry on about 10 rows behind mine. My bag weighs about the same as I do, but do you think anyone stood up to help this little 5 foot 2 girl lift that bag into the compartment? No way, they just kept creeping closer to me so they could try and get by me.
But back to the all was not lost part. I was sitting in the middle of the three-seater with a nice girl already by the window. So of course I am looking at each person walking on the plane wondering if that is the individual who would be lucky enough to sit next to me. Low and behold a nice young stud has the honor of the seat next to me. I swear he was about 6 foot 9 and pretty big, he is a military man by the way. I still could have cared less about him when he sat down and flashed his welcoming smile at me, because of course I was only thinking of myself and my bad mood. I quickly got over myself.
We spent the rest of the flight playing the trivia game on the plane and acting like we were really into it. Once the plane landed he was nice enough to dart through the crowd to fetch my bag. I am not so sure he was happy he did it once he felt how heavy it was and how much everyone else around him could have cared less. After he got feeling back in his arm from lift my bag, he was nice enough to walk me all the way to the Disney Magical Express. Of course, he claims he had to go that way to get to his car, but I have a feeling he did not have to go ALL the way to the Disney Magical Express. It was in the farthest corner of the lowest level. He wanted to walk with me. J
So, all in all the day ended well. Still have not had any food, but I am too tired for that now. I did catch that his name was Chris, in the military and lives in CoCo Beach, FL. Is that enough to Facebook him?
This place IS magical Marrilee!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Go Your Own Way
These past few years have been great together.
We have lived and loved and when we got bored,
We just picked up and left without another word.
We never considered others in our decisions
Or even thought it mattered to them.
How blind you have made me to what real life is like.
I have focused on my wants and needs
So I could have the life I wanted -
The life I knew would make me whole.
Absorbing the lyrics and the rhythm of Music City.
Feeling the cool of the waves around my shoulders.
All of it was what I was striving to make for myself,
But what is it all really, when you cannot share it?
I’m sorry selfishness, but this must be the end.
I would say we could still be friends,
But we both know that will never work.
You have tried to make me someone I am not,
And I will no longer crumble to your deceiving charm.
So leave me alone in this big world,
Because everything I need is already here.
It has been behind me and been beside me.
Even when I refused it.
It was here….waiting.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Where for art thou...
That’s right. I said Dog-U-Tante Ball. Last night I had the pleasure of attending the 11th Annual Dig-U-Tante Ball at The Renaissance Hotel. This is an annual fundraiser hosted by the Montgomery Humane Society working to raise money for the shelter and place dogs in appropriate homes. It is such a great idea, really.
First, I need to go on record by saying I DO NOT agree with dressing up your pets. God made them perfect just the way they are, and if animals could talk, they would cuss you out if you dressed them up. Exhibit A was on stage last night when each dog dried to scratch out of their costumes. I’m just sayin’.
Anyway, the event was great. All of the adoptable dogs were walked around all night and I could tell many hearts were stolen by these angels. I know mine was. Sweet Romeo took my heart and ran all the way down the hall with it!
Have you ever seen such a pink nose on a dog before? I’m not sure if this picture is doing him justice, but it was PINK. I know I cannot provide this pup with an appropriate home right now, so I want to help him get his little face out there. Romeo is sweet as can be. He will lie in your arms and is extremely content. He is trained and still has a lot of growing to do. From the looks of his legs, he will be quite a tall and handsome dog. I think his personality will allow him to learn very quickly and become a fantastic hunting dog….just so long as he gets treated like a pet too.
Do not be discouraged, this Romeo is not without a Juliet. Juliet is Romeo’s sister (a little odd if you think about it, I know) and she is up for adoption at the Montgomery Humane Society as well. I did not get to meet her last night but word is they are identical. If I could, I would take them both and they would be the best two side kicks I could ask for. Man, they sure would look good on my boat!
All in all, the event was, in my eyes, successful for the Humane Society. They had a good crowd, a lot of bids on their silent auction items and you could see people going wild over the adoptable dogs. One thing I did not understand was that the “lead out” portion of the event focused on dogs that have homes and the adoptable ones were walked out at the end. I would think the adoptable dogs are the ones who need to be on display, but again, they did not ask me.
Help me find Romeo and Juliet a home to save their little loves from ending in tragedy.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Trusty Steed Takes the Reins
When the whistle blew, I was out of my work clothes and out the door. I rolled down all the windows, turned up my newly uploaded iPod and flew past every spring breaker on I65 S. I could feel the water and taste the crab boil. I stopped in Fairhope to surprise some good friends and steal their bed. We spent the night sitting around an old boat the boys are restoring, opening beer bottles with a sawzall and telling old stories.
I rose with the roosters and headed to the water, just needing time alone with the boat to rekindle the feelings filling my soul. Not too long ago we moved as one through the waters of Soldier Creek. Exploring. Fishing. Talking. It was as though the boat was an extension of me and me of it. I could not wait to see my old friend and renew the feelings I have desperately needed each and every day for the past five months, but I got the feeling, my loyal friend had other intentions for when I arrived.
I pulled up to the house and ran out to the boat with no hesitation. I untied my trusty steed and headed up the creek beds. The wind was trying to blow me into every grass bed and sand bar, but this was our time, this was our moment to remember the past. I wanted to feel the hands of the sun on my face and on my hair, so I let down the canopy top of the boat. I must have been so caught up in the moment, that I completely forgot how to release the canopy, because it went hurdling towards the water and not to its appropriate place of rest.
Finally I got the canopy rested on the boat but needed to raise it back up so I could continue on the ride. I was quickly reminded that I am much shorter than I ever remember I am and was unable to replace the canopy on my own. I rush into a fit of panic and frustration. I begin with the usual, “I am too short to do anything!” complaint and quickly moved on to the, “Why am I always alone?” crisis. I was able to completely detach the canopy from the boat, maneuver it into the well of the boat and head towards home. All I wanted to do was get home and handle the canopy situation, but I believe my faithful steed was not quite finished making me pay for being away so long.
The life jacket flew out of the boat. Why is it that something always flies out of the boat when you are hurry? So, I turned around to get it, but only to find myself face to face with a speeding boat of college spring breakers! I was able to dodge the racing fraternity, but not with any help from them. I went to grab the pole hook my father keeps in the boat for situations like these, but he had failed to mention the unnecessary rope tied to the hook, keeping it attached to the boat. Why me? I was able to retrieve the life jacket back into the boat while giving it a stern talking to about staying put and drove home.
As I tied up the boat and landed both feet firmly on the pier, I felt confused. Why had my loyal friend treated me this way? It was as if we had never met, nor spent countless hours connecting and answering each other’s needs. I needed some time to think, to try and take all of these new feelings in. After Dad and I worked on the canopy placing it in perfect position, I tried again.
I woke up at 7:30 am and untied my neglected friend with sorrow and apology. We trolled off in the early morning sun to the warm spots we like to visit first. As the wind tried to control our destinations, she stood strong and plunged through. We fished and whispered in the morning silence until it was time to return home for a hearty breakfast. No fish were caught, but a friendship was saved and my trusty steed was returned to me as I once new her.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Reel Cool
Please do not get too disappointed at these small changes as I begin to grow up at the age of 26. I still throw on the camo hat, wear the boots, choose a day at the farm over a day at Eastchase, plan to have a campfire at my reception and rarely shower when at the Bay. I mean, seriously, what is the point when I am just going to wake up and jump in the water anyway?
Even though some may say I have drifted from my tomboy ways, there are still things that stick hard in my soul......LIKE...... watching Saturday and Sunday morning fishing shows.
I cannot get enough of these, but you do have to get up early to watch them. What can I say? Early bird gets the worm!! I learn so much about the career I REALLY want and the skills I need to get it. I have even found my new best friend, even though she does not know it yet. (Sorry, LC, we could have been really good friends, but Collin never set up that Tee Time.)
Here is my break down of top three favorite shows:
1. G3 Sportsman:
These guys do some awesome fishing all over the place, but really show great highlights of Florida and the Keys. I was offered an internship in the keys when I was a senior at AU. And I chose Destin? What the…?
2. Arron’s Outdoors:
These guys are just funny to me. It is a Dad and his four sons who are all under the age of 10. Most of the time the kids do better than their Dad! They are really family oriented, and focus on the importance of taking your kids on outdoors adventures and giving them these unique experiences. This is something I really believe in, and would love to put into action personally and professionally.
3. Melissa Fischer: This girl is awesome!!! And she kind of looks like me. Maybe? Melissa and her husband Chris host Off Shore Adventures ( She does everything from fishing guides (deep, dive and shallow), hunting guides, mountain terrain, you name it. She is even married to a hot boat captain who can keep up with her!! I mean, is she living my life or what?
I cannot really pin point what it is about these shows that makes me crave them. I think it has something to do with my fantasy job of wanting to get my captains license and work for an outdoor adventure outfitter. Who knows.
Did you know there is a fish called the Sheepshead Fish with black stripes like a Zebra? Now why didn’t they just name it the Zebra Head Fish? You learn something new every day!
So, eventhough my nails may be red and my toes may be "did", do not think for one second I would not get them dirty. My life would not be half as awesome as it is if I gave up on my tomboy tendencies.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm Springin'
For me, this is when I start to feel like a gerbil caged inside an office, so when five o’clock comes it is like Talladega out there. I roll down all the windows, tie up my hair and turn up the radio. When I pull up to a red light I slowly pass my gaze over to the car next to me and look at them through my Jackie-O’s saying, “Yeah, you wish you were me.”
Spring is when you start to work extra hard at the last minute for that new bikini (like you have not had the past five or six months to get started), you switch from wine to margaritas and you find yourself trying out new things just to satisfy that sudden desire for adventure or just something new. Tan skin starts to show here and there and I still find myself looking for mine! I usually find it in a bottle, but none the less, the white starts to fade and color is incorporated into every nook and cranny of our every day lives.
Front porches are over flowing, ponds are harvesting, motorcycles are revving, grills are smoking, boats are being hosed, laughter is reigning and hearts are smiling.
What else is needed?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Can You LENT Me a Hand?
Forgetting Mardi Gras also brings with it the fact I have not thought about Lent. I was raised Episcopal and we always give something up for Lent. Now I know I have given up all the typical things like soft drinks, candy, fast food, etc. I remember one year mom really regretted ever teaching me the value of what you give up for Lent. She taught me it was to be something really hard to give up and every time you want to give in you need to pray about it. Well, one year I gave up meat and I think mom was doing more praying than I was. I was in high school so mom had to make all of our meals for 40 days (or however long it is) without meat. Actually, I think it was Dad who was the angry one. We never really talked about Lent after that.
Now that I am grown, I have noticed I may give something up for Lent but I end up picking it back up once Easter arrives. If I am going to make a change, I am going to make a change. I don’t want to change my lifestyle for the better for a temporary moment. If it’s a good change, why not let it stick? So, I started to give up things that would enhance my character. Last year I gave up complaining. I will say it was pretty hard and I didn’t do so hot. So, I decided to make that a life long goal and I am still working on that one. I am by no means claiming I am good at that goal, but it’s a goal.
So, this year I have decided to make another life change. It seems I am really in to life changes lately, so why not some more!!!? For Lent this year I am going to give up feeling sorry for myself, break down the limitations I have placed on myself and make the life I want and need a reality. Easier said than done, yes I know. But if I’m not going to do this, who will?
Friday, February 20, 2009

So this is why I haven't blogged in a while. Oh, and I got a job. :)
Here is a quick update on life. Within two weeks three beautiful babies were born, Cowdery Kent Merrill, IV, Elizabeth Jane Shaw and Avery Ann Williford. Everyone is healthy and happy and the mothers are stronger and more amazing than I think I have the capacity to become. I interviewed with Sutton & Associates here in Montgomery in the middle of all of these births and was hired within an hour!!! I am now the Program Manager for S&A, which is an incentive travel company with Alabama World Travel here in Montgomery. My life went from slow and boring to fast paced and each minute filled to the rim.
I have learned a lot about myself during these past three months and even just spending time with Avery. The places I have lived, the jobs I have done, the friends I have made, have all been more than fulfilling for me. I have loved each and every aspect of my life (and still do), even the ones that make me cry. I just can't seem to stop wanting more. I keep trying to tell myself to slow down and enjoy what is right here, but I get so excited about the next step or something completely new. It doesn't matter if it's wanting seconds at dinner, wanting to move to a new town, or anxiously awaiting Avery's toddler, adolescent and adult years. I just ache for more!!!
So, I am going to allow Avery and living in Montgomery to slow me down. My eyes are open to the things around me, they just need to focus a little more on these things.
Thank you for patiently awaiting a blog from me! I know it has been too long and I promise not to do that again.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Recession Reality
I love clicking on Kat’s blog every day, because there is always a new bible verse. Some I read in the rush of the day and realize later on that I did not hear them, but some are just what I need to hear even if I do not know it. When I first read this I breezed through it like another mindless step in my daily routine, but something caught me and I re-read it. I just felt like I could breathe once I heard what it was saying. This verse from Romans is exactly how I have been feeling over the past few months.
Ever since being laid off and having my eyes opened to the hardships of our Recession, I have battled the difference between my dreams and what others define as reality. I have mentioned in previous blog postings that I have a variety of dreams as well as ever changing dreams. Every day I am faced with the challenge of either holding on to them or letting go. I have seen what life is like when you let go, and I do not want that, any of it.
Reading this verse helped me understand that you can still dream in an economy today. As a matter of fact, I believe if we all keep a firm grasp on our dreams, we may see some good prevail.
I have been very fortunate to have a supportive family. I know there are many other people who may not have the support or abilities I do, but on the other hand there are plenty of people who have many more opportunities and abilities than I do to help them obtain their wants and needs. I just cannot focus on what other people have, because then I lose sight on what I have - on what I can do for myself.
I may not be able to become everything I want to be when I grow up, but I sure am going to head that way. Focusing on my satisfaction and fulfillment in every day life is really what I am going for. The funny thing is…I am not really sure what that is. I guess I will find out.
Learn something new every day.
(Thank you for drilling that in my head, Mom. You are definitely on to something here.)
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Pregnant and Painting
I have no idea, but please tell me if you know!!!
Tracy and I have decided she needs to get obsessed over something else besides being pregnant so maybe her water will break or the time will pass by a bit quicker.
Sooooo, we will paint. I have no idea what we will paint, but she has the canvases and I have the paints so we are going to start some projects and hopefully get her mind off of her tummy. Who knows, maybe it will spear head a career move for me. Or not, whatever.
I will let you all know how this works and maybe have some great paintings to post up here.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Wait is Bugging Me!!
I have been waiting to hear if I have been chosen for a job I really want for three days now. They were supposed to let me know on Monday, but now that it is Wednesday, I find myself screaming with impatience. I have found anything I could possibly need to do and put it on a list just so I can mark it off and feel productive. Here is a sample of what my list looks like today:
1. Unload dishwasher
2. Bug man comes to spray the house
3. Get gas
4. Go to the bank
5. Write mom a check
6. Go to Dillards
7. Stop by Tracy’s house
8. Go to the gym (which has now been changed to “get a pedicure”)
9. Watch Ellen at 1:30
10. Tracy doctor at 3
Just be thankful I have not gotten to the point of adding “wake up”, “brush teeth”, “shower”, or “eat” to this list. There is still plenty of time though. It could happen.
I have even started to turn small needs into very important needs, just so I can add them to my list. For example, I have a bug guard on the front of my car. A piece of it has been broken for quite a while now, but it still works and is no harm to my car. I swear this has been broken for at least a year and I never even began to think about fixing it, until this morning. All of a sudden fixing this bug guard has taken up my entire day.
I am obviously running out of things to do!!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Baby? Please...
This may very well be my first wrong as a mother, (and my I remind you I am far off from actually becoming a mother), but I do not plan on being pregnant in my lifetime. I have watched and listened to multiple friends during their pregnancies and seen their struggles. These are strong and brave women all in their own individual ways, and my hats are off to them.
There have been mothers I have talked to who have been upset with the timing of their pregnancies, and the one thing that kept coming out of my mouth was they should be happy they can have a baby. There are so many women in the world who wait and plan for the perfect time to have a child only to find out they physically cannot. I can only imagine the sadness and feeling of defeat these women have. Sometimes I wonder who is stronger, the woman who is pregnant or the one who cannot be pregnant. Maybe there isn’t a level of strength when it comes to motherhood, strength is just simply there.
I have no idea if I am able to get pregnant or not, and I may never find out. One thing I do know is there is way too many children out there right now who need to be loved, so many babies being abandoned during their first instant of life. I know I will love and cherish each and every second of my children’s lives. There are many, many personal issues with pregnancy that hit harder in different places with each woman. Mine has told me to go a different route than what is considered “traditional”.
I condone each woman for the decisions they make regarding pregnancy and children. It is a personal choice and it is your choice.