Friday, July 17, 2009

Six Word Story

I was reading my weekly Field & Stream E-newsletter not too long ago when I ran across a literary phenomenon. Well, at least it was to me. I learned that back in the day, Hemingway made a bet in a bar that he could tell a story in just six words. The poor challenger left with his tail between his legs after reading what Hemingway wrote on his napkin: "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn".

Sometimes it is not what you say that makes the lasting impression, it is how you say it. I am a big believer in this theory and I think it makes all the difference in life and how you choose to love it. Hemingway was able to take you from a feeling of excitement in new beginnings to a sadness you find yourself not being able to completely understand in only six words.....only six seconds!! When I first read this story, my heart was racing. It was as if it was still trying to transition from the happy to the sad all the while not understanding what just happened.

I do not particularly like the theme of tragedy in my writing, but it has a way of capturing the true emotion and soul behind a story or a situation or even a word. It is moving, really. It makes me want to think within myself and even act positively towards others to try and solve it. All of this in only six words!!!

I keep thinking about the essence of the six word story and how I can use it. Do I use it in a letter to someone? Do I write a lot down day by day and make a song of it? Do I bring it up in conversation only to see what others can come up with? It is a good way to see inside someone else's mind and how it works. So I say yes to all of these!! Check out this site of some more six word stories: Some are very coy, some are a little creepy and some are pretty good. I like the ones you have to stop and think about for an extra second or so.

Try writing your own six word stories. Try it out on your friends when you are sitting around on the front porch just killing time. You would be surprised at the emotions you will experience together without a warning. It is quite the literart thrill. And to think, I got all of this from a fishing magazine. You never know where you will grow a little these days.

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