Monday, June 22, 2009

Glamorous Career? If you say so.

Beautiful weather, snow white beaches, emerald water and the best sunsets you can find on the Gulf Coast, who could complain about working under these conditions? So many people I run into find out what I do for a living and think, "She has got it made. She gets to throw parties and travel around working in different vacation spots." Now do not get me wrong I am no Debbie Downer, but this is not exactly an accurate view on my chosen career choice. Allow me to explain.

As an incentive travel company we do not just throw parties, we take the simple skeleton of what our client wants and take it 10 steps further. We offer unique entertainment, exquisite dinning experiences created specifically for the client and there is always more than one "WOW" factor hidden in each event. We come up with out of the box opportunities and we guarantee it will take the experience our client is giving to their customer to the next level.

For every event, we are on-site hours before it begins making sure every linen is cleaned, every centerpiece is up to par, every bar is stocked and every light is at the perfect level to set the atmosphere our client expects. We shake hands with every waiter, bartender and custodian because we are partners making this experience come to life.

The sand may be hot, but our feet do not get burned. The sunset may be the most beautiful sight ever seen, but we are moving food around on the buffet so it does not look picked over. The fireworks may give you goose bumps, but ours come from the cold AC in the ballroom we are setting up.

My line of work is hard work and it is pleasing to make an experience come to life for 300 people. When we travel to the beach to escort a trip, we are not spending our time boozing it up and burying our feet in the sand. We are awake at 5:30 am until midnight making sure our clients have what they need and are being taken care of. We may get to work for a week in Cancun or Disney World, but it is rare we get to walk outside of the hotel lobby doors.

So next time you ask me what I do, do not be so quick to judge. I work hard just like you do and I get frustrated and tired just like you do. I just get to do it in a hotel room on a remote beach every now and then. Not much different than you.

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