Sunday, April 19, 2009

Homeward Bound

I am finally getting to go home today. I do not mean for that to sound like I have been misearable all week, because I have been far from that. I have enjoyed each and every one of our guests this week in Disney World. We have such a great client and their customers are just as great as they are.

I think it is their mindset that I am attracted to the most. Everyone on our trip was from Alabama. They all work hard all week long and understand what it means to earn what they gain. They do not ask for much when it comes to getting away or celebrating. Most of them find pleasure in the same things I do; warm weather, fresh air, cold beverages, and a little face paint does not hurt either.

All in all the trip was a success. It was the first program I have managed where I have not been the one sweating the whole time, setting up the layouts and driving the trucks! It was nice to not be stressed out for once, but I still miss the sweat. I think that is something my Daddy instilled in me - hard work. There is just something about working so hard that you sweat, your hands get banged up and your feet feel as though they have been walking on stones. Your mind and body feel as though you have gone beyond your limits and you survived. I definitely need that and miss that.

While I have been here at Disney World I have had a lot of time to observe and a lot of people to watch. There are all kinds of families and cultures here. It is a good place to come and observe when you are not too sure about what parenting style you want to go for. I am definitely not wishing I had a family at the moment. I want to travel and experience things with someone, but I am not ready to tote the kids around yet. I do know that when I am ready to do that, I want to go somewhere we can fly by the seat of our pants and experience the location instead of "see" it. I have never been much of a tourist and always look for the local aspects of a place so I can live in their culture. That is what I want to teach my children. I want them to learn about culture and how people live their lives in their own ways and in their own norms. Knowing and understanding this will help them know and understand themselves. I never want my children to feel as though they were born into a certain future. I want them to make their own future.

So I guess I could say I got a good bit out of my trip. I tried to at least. I feel as though our client got a lot out of it. This trip was planned to focus on the relationship building of their staff and their customers. Not only did they want to focus on the relationships between their staff and customers, but between customers in general. They are working to build a network, a family within their vocation. I cannot stress how important this is in an economic situation as this. Their family will take care of them anywhere they go, help them build their businesses and help them reach their goals. Amen, right?

I look forward to the next venture and the lessons learned there. Hopefully they will all be as positive and enlightening as this one, but I embrase the hardships and the stress too. I am a firm believer in the the hardest and scariest experiences and decisions in our lives are the most worth while.

Thank you for reading and until next time...

1 comment:

Laurel said...

no, no, no!....I'm definitely keeping them both, but I had to make another creative place so my original one stays focused on writing and not bogged down in artsy stuff.

about the old canvases...meh, kinda over em. they laid around untouched for too long!