Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wisdom in Your Own God

The world we live in is filled with beautiful cultures, personal ideals and incredible opinions which all offer up a variety of “gods”. I personally dream that before I spend the rest of eternity with my God, I get to meet yours. We all have a faith in something much greater than ourselves, and I personally believe more in “faith” than I do in any other aspect of religion. I believe it is what our god and our ideals created in us in order to connect us as one. It is our communication channel keeping us on track.

Now, I have stayed away from writing about my personal beliefs and opinions, but I know this is one we can all stand to listen to, so hang in there. Just this morning I received an email devotional. I love getting these because it allows me to have a moment in the day to spark some thought and talk to Him about Him. Sometimes I do not get a chance to read them and honestly sometimes they just go right over my head and I talk to Him about something else completely. The one I received today sparked a little thought in my head about how I experience my God and how I understand His wisdom.

The following point was made: "Tap into His wisdom - by being in scripture consistently and by praying regularly - in order to know His desires for you."

My first thought was, “Who said this is how you understand His wisdom and why is that the only way?” I do agree with the fact that we learn more and more about His wisdom when we spend more time in his scripture and in prayer, but I do not think that is all we can do to understand his wisdom.

When I walk outside on a very sunny day and feel the rain pouring down on me, I understand that God can make “out of the ordinary” things happen, and so can I. When I hear Avery laugh as I walk in the room, I understand what real love is and why He loves me and why my parents and family love me. I gain wisdom more in actions, observations and experiences. I may lose someone I love through tragedy or simply through bad timing, but I grow in the wisdom of His plan. Although I think it is good to read the scripture and come to know it, I also think we need to raise our heads more often and live it.

There are so many cultures I hope to experience and so many gods I want to meet. I think we all have the same faith that connects us, because we believe in something that makes us who we are and makes us whole. These gods are alive and teaching us in what we see, what we feel, what we want and how we live. Everything about us reveals a faith in some form, we just have to stop and see it.


Anonymous said...

So many gods you want to experience? Be careful.

Searcy Yoder said...

explain, please

Nick M. said...

Great post Searcy! We do "need to raise our heads more often and live it." One day we are all going to realize its not just about us but that there is a whole world out there that God created for us to serve not vice versa. Thanks for your thoughts!