Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You Chose, You Voted, Now You Must Respect It

Something has been aggravating me, so I decided to write a little blurb about it. This may make some people upset or even encourage them to argue with me, but I will just have to cross that bridge when I get there.

Today is a historical moment in American and even World History. You do not have to agree with our presidential selection and you do not have to have voted for him, that is your decision and I respect that. But you do have to live with it. Barack Obama is being sworn in as our 44th President today. Disrespectful and uncooperative comments will never change that.

I live in a very Republican community. I was raised in a Republican family, and even voted strictly Republican my first few times, simply because I did not know any better. Today, I do not like to limit myself to a specific political party, because my decisions are going to come from the outcome of listening to each candidate through their campaigns. I usually do not know who I am voting for until I sit down in the voting booth.

I respect each vote that was cast in this election, now it is everyone’s turn to respect the outcome of this election. Who knows, you may actually start to like him. Now would that be so bad?


Nick M. said...

I could not agree with you more. The sheer numbers of people that on both election night and today has posted statuses on facebook nearly declaring us at the precipice of the apocalypse is mind boggling. But then again, as you mentioned, I am but a mere "blue dot in a VERY red state" so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Mary Tyler S. said...

Tell it sister. Couldn't agree more. Fellow Blue Dot.