Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Shepherd or the Sheep?

Proclaim a position….and define your existence…..

The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat, saith the LORD? - Jeremiah 23:28

If you have been steadily reading my blog entries you will very easily see the pattern of dreaming. It is a simple theme to life, but yet still challenging to live by. Growing up my parents encouraged me to dream as big as I could. I can remember one afternoon I was watching a Michael Jackson “Heal The World” video, and of course I was singing and dancing my heart out in the middle of the room, eyes glued to the screen. My father came in and hugged me and told me he just knew I was going to somehow change this world. He didn’t know how, but he knew I would do it. I’m not too sure if I have or will accomplish that, but it allowed me to actually believe in the ability to live out my dreams, to at least start with changing my world.

Today we have so many things to sway our thoughts and our view points. The media shows us more than we need to see while skewing it to make us believe only one side of every situation. We have Presidential candidates claiming to be the one to change the world this go round, yet neglecting to tell us how. So you can see how it becomes hard to know who to believe, or who to follow. But who says we have to be the sheep?

A few years ago I was in a relationship and in a state of being where I was a sheep who was so far in the back of the herd I couldn’t even see the shepherd. I wish I could tell you of this great epiphany I had that changed my thinking and my way of life, but I can’t. All I can tell you is that when I was going through a certain kind of hell, I prayed each and every day for God’s strength and His knowledge. He gave me the strength to pack up and leave town. He gave me the knowledge to know I didn’t need to follow my heart this time, because it was a little tampered.

I now know that my dreams are still real and I can still live them. It doesn’t matter what someone else may think about my opinions, my wants, my desires or my views because they are mine to know and understand, not someone else’s. My heart lies in my dreams and the only failure I could ever have in life is not living them.

If there is ever an opinion or a view point you believe in, do not ever question it based on what you believe others may think. Take your mind and develop it to be what you want it to be, don’t let someone else come in and take over. You will never be able to really understand what life has to offer us in this short time we have.

Be your own shepherd. You may look back one day and see a world with your touch on it.

1 comment:

pallie said...

Amen! Too many people take positions based upon whether or not they think it will please others!

I'm so glad you are you!