orange life jackets
sunscreen and floaties
snoopy fishing pole
giggles and squirms
warm naps
burnt skin
curly hair with helicopter bows
a wooden boat
wobble knees on skis
robert spraying Mama Anne
long boat rides
alligators sunning on the point
learning to bait a hook
you catch it, you clean it
checking crab traps on the hour
wet hair and card games
laughter and smiles for every meal
and waffles :)
first bikini
summer crushes
first GOOD kiss
sneaking in the cooler
bonfires with a broken radio
sneaking out only to get caught
fireworks and screams
motown and james brown
tears and heartache
comfort and support
refuge from reality
shooting stars
questions and answers
reunions that last forever
memories that will never stop being made
my line that keeps pulling me in
mom and dad
1 comment:
nice :)
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