Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Total Change of Attitude

The good thing about being crazy is that your mood can change from boarder line manic to passionate and unstoppable in a mater of seconds.

I was obviously not feeling up to par in my last post (only 45 minutes ago), so I decided it was time to go for a little jog outside. (Another good thing about these mood changes is that I find it a lot easier to jog vs. walk when I am in one extreme mood or the other. Let's just hope the jogging overcomes the cheese dip in this whole thing.) So, while on my jog, it started to rain. I don't know about you, but this made my day! I know most people may have allowed this to ruin their day, but I am obviously not like a lot of other people. I LOVE getting dirty and would much rather swim in my clothes than in some bikini.

I turned up my ipod, stuffed it in my bra (the only dry spot I had, OK?) and just ran. Then I realized that by running I was going to make this experience end that much sooner. So I stopped.

Now I know rain has become quite the cheesy subject. What with Clint Black's heart wrenching Like The Rain, Julie Robert's Rain On A Tin Roof and multiple other comparisons of rain to the cleansing power of love, it still has an overpowering effect on me that I only seem to remember when it starts to fall.

It never hurts to get a little baptism for the soul every now and then.

1 comment:

Kat said...

I totally am with you with the rain. I am wierd like that too. It is just something about it when it is warm outside and it rains. It's like the world clears up. Sometimes when we are on the farm and we are going from place to place and it starts raining, i will choose to run instead of ride in the truck. Crazy, but it's the most refreshing thing there is.

Sounds like you've had abrupt changes in your life lately. I have been thinking about you. You are a great person with so many good traits. Dont' forget that. And usually things that don't seem good at the time will work out for the best. It could be a blessing in disguise.
