Sunday, August 24, 2008

All That I Want

For some reason, my birthday makes me think about Love. (I know this sounds like it could be cheesy and I promise I am not trying to make it that way.) I start to think about why people love each other, how people love each other, what was the point of God instilling this need for love into our hearts. Maybe I think about this because I have never had a boyfriend on my birthday to make me feel like I stood out. Maybe it’s because I grew up with a mother who never once let a year go by without a birthday party and who’s heart broke when my surprise party got ruined by someone’s mom leaving a message on our answering machine. P.S. don’t ever do that. Just ask them to call you back.

I was sitting here thinking about what I want for my birthday. I could easily write out a list of things I want or need right now, but that isn’t fun. To me your birthday isn’t so much about standing out in a crowd; it’s about feeling like you stand out to the people who stand out to you. Yes it would be nice to get a mountain bike or fly fishing lessons or even some new running socks, but what would be the ultimate? To me, it would be having someone show up at my door unexpected to pick me up so we can roll down the windows, drive to nowhere and turn the music up. Or actually get something like fly fishing lessons, simply because they have been paying attention to what I am saying and hear the need for some casting guidance.

I guess my stumbling block is this…you can’t actually tell someone how to love you. You can’t really be in a relationship that is missing romance and tell that person they need to be more romantic, because they will only be romantic because you told them to be, not because they wanted to be. So how did that work? Isn’t there still something missing?

Now for the record I am no pro at this whole love thing. This Saturday is not only my 26th birthday, but it is basically my 26th anniversary of being single. I haven’t actually had what you would call serious relationships or even “good” ones, but I am pretty sure about one thing:

Love is being in a relationship that doesn’t make you think like this.


Mary Tyler S. said...

Amen Sister. I used to have the exact same thoughts about romance (before I met my hub). Let me tell you....he's worth the wait : ) The right one will knock your effin socks off!

Happy Early Birfday! I miss ya

pallie said...

You're right, you can't really tell someone how to love you. So, what becomes even more difficult is finding someone who knows who to love you wholly and fully.

The right relationship is out there but it is pointless to go around looking for it. No matter where you are, whether in Nashville, Montgomery or Orange Beach, love will find you when the cosmos know the time is right.

It may seem like forever, but this is all in preparation for the real thing. Trust in yourself, trust in karma and trust that it will all turn out the way it is supposed to. :)

Tracy Williford said...

You know because I am still stuck in 1992, when I read this post, I went, "is she refering to Ace of Base?"
Then I realized that you have way more to do than me, so of course you weren't still caught up in the music from your childhood. But thanks for putting that song in my head. I will sing it to the bebe. She needs to know that song. "All that she wants, is another baby, she's gone tomorrow boy." I dont even know what that means.