Friday, November 7, 2008

Seven Years Today

Seven years ago today I lost the greatest person I believe I have ever met. What I didn’t understand then was that losing him was going to be the greatest lesson in my life. It was going to continuously mold me into who I am.

One of life’s simple pleasures comes when you reach a point of fully understanding another individual. When you can literally sit inside their head and see what they are seeing. You can change your perspective to completely view the world in their eyes. This doesn’t happen too often, but it is what I believe to be one component of love, and a very important one at that. Not just love of a spouse, but love of one another – a friend, a family member, co-worker, a child.

I only knew David for about two or three years before he passed, and boy was I swept away by his friendship. For the life of me I could not understand why God took him, because I knew he had so much more to teach me. I was right. David did have more to teach me, he just didn’t have to be here to do it.

I have mentioned before the list in my wallet of things I want to accomplish in my life. As silly as some of them may be, I know David will hold me to those things. If I think about giving up on one (which I often do) I automatically hear him questioning me. He still pushes me to do what I want, no matter the limits. That is what he did, and it gave him peace.

When you understand someone, you can’t really put it into words for someone else to read. It is an emotion, a knowledge, something you feel when it is present.

Today I woke up with a smile on my face remembering David. Now most of you do not know this about me and I am going to have to get a little personal in order to get this sweet story out, but a lot of times I sleep in my “birthday suit” (you know you do it too). Last night I went to sleep in said “suit” and at some point in the middle of the night I grabbed the t-shirt of David’s that I still sleep with and I had put it on. I had absolutely no recollection of doing this, but when I woke up it was bitter sweet. A hug.

Even though some people may not be in our lives anymore they are still hanging around. They are still loving, teaching and protecting us each and every day. I believe this with every ounce of my being, because I feel it and I understand it.


Nick M. said...

Searcy, this was a beautiful post. Thank you for reminding me about today. I remember everything that took place over the days surround this great loss and I think about it every year (its close to my b'day) and I am so glad to know that David affected you in this way. I know he is so proud of you and definitely always watching over you.

Have a beautiful day!

Mary Tyler S. said...

Wow. I can't believe it has been that long. Thanks for the reminder.

Tracy Williford said...

hey...that was really sweet. I have tried so hard to block David from my memory. It was so painful, and you know how I choose to deal with loss. (drinking myself into oblivion.) I am glad you made me think of him (and I am thankful that I cannot put a bottle to my lips to numb it). I actually did remember it on that day this year, and quickly moved on to something else. He was a great friend, even when I wasn't. Thankyou for reminding me of that. Thank you for being better to him than I could be. Thank you for putting aside your own grief to support me and the others who mourned his death. I heart you.