Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Patient Love

The will of her heart, the thrill of her character…there is no better combination.

All my life I have worked hard at making sure she and I were nothing alike.

I fought her on everything from school to sports...even over my white fringed cowboy boots.

I always dreamed big of living in different places and becoming different people, but her dreams were different; a little more close to home. For so many years I used her as an obstacle I couldn’t get through, an excuse as to why I wasn’t doing all the things I wanted to.

I was loud and stubborn, pretty damn hurtful and difficult. Lord knows I was her biggest challenge.

But, everything I was, she was and more.

I saw a selfish woman with no clue who I could be, but every time I slammed that door on her, all she saw was me.

She knocked me down so I’d learn to stand back up.

There came a time in my life when I thought I had ruined it all. I thought she would never know how to see me again. She would continue to watch as I continued to fall.

Sometimes it takes falling on your knees to see what is real in your life. So when I got back on my feet, I saw a woman standing in front of me….the one I wanted to be.

The thrill of her character, the will of her heart are things I only pray she sees in me.

Happy Birthday, Mom. You deserve more than a bowl of flowers!!!!


Mary Tyler S. said...

ditto with my mom. but I can't write it like you did. You are awesome. Happy Birfday 'lecia...

Laurel said...

omg...this is awesome searcy!
what a great, honest & sweet tribute to your mom!

Laurel said...

As a Mom, I can't imagine a better birthday gift and I know your Mom must feel the same way. You should be very proud of this tribute because putting these feelings into words is often very difficult and always appreciated.

Come pick up armadillos with me.

Janie said...

Searcy that last comment was from me...Janie. Love ya!

Tracy Williford said...

I heart alicia. and you. come play with your puppies.