Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Turnip Greens

What is one of the greatest feelings in the world? (that is rated G please)

I could think of hundreds: massage, pedicure, jumping in the pool after you run, your first deer, being giddy over a new crush.....I could go on and on, but there is one thing I can't get enough of.....

Just letting yourself go.....

I'm talkin' barefoot, dancin' in the kitchen, singing into a wooden spoon louder than you have ever sung before and just letting those cares drift right out the window with the words of a damn good song.

Or maybe I mean shoving your feet into an old pair of boots, hanging them out the window of an old suburban that doesn't even need a key. Loving every sip of that cold beer and singing so loud that you actually sound good.

Gah.....I love that feeling!

What makes you careless? What makes your soul so free you get lost in a world that only you know?

All you have to say to me is Turnip Greens......I'll get lost for days.


pallie said...

Things that take me away...Andrew, the word home, the idea of being a mom and mother nature. I absolutely enjoy dancing around the house to music so loud I can't hear my thoughts...but only when no one else is around.

Such a great post! A post like this is why we've been encouraging you to do this since we started!

Laurel said...

hallelujah and amen.

thank God for good directions......


Mary Tyler S. said...

Just so you know, your picture on the sidebar titled "Breath of life" actually made me tear up. I LOVE your madre - in fact I'm going to Capital Book and News today to get dad a gift certificate for father's day and I'm going to have to make some time to go see her :)