Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Laurel made me do it

So for a few months now I have extremely enjoyed reading my friend's blogs. I have moved away from two people who have taught me so much in such a small amount of time. I miss being near them to just watch and learn from them. Reading their blogs helps me to continue to grow and learn from them in a different way than I have ever experienced.

People tend to be fearlessly truthful when they write. Writing gives you the ability to become completely vulnerable to humility and judgment without even caring. I would never dare say half the things I write, because most of the time, I won't have to face the judgment. Writing gives readers the ability to take the words in front of them and make them their own. There is no tone of voice or facial expression to persuade your judgement. Writing allows you to give a part of yourself to someone else, so they can make a part of you their own.

I have been writing for years. I have umpteen journals starting from childhood and one very full quote book. In high school I used to have a wall in my bedroom covered with quotes on sticky notes. Mom LOVED that and the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. Writing has helped me get through the good and the bad and even helped me get through school!!!! I could BS my way through an essay, but give me multiple choice and I am doomed.

When I lived in Nashville I learned something about myself I never would have guessed. I started going on long walks with Laurel in the afternoons and would always tell her about my most recent day dream. We all day dream right? How else did we get through grade school? Well at least I thought it was normal. I have spent the past 25 years letting my mind go as freely as it wishes. Music is the root of this freedom. I enjoy shutting out all the limits this world places on us and believing for a few minutes I can be anywhere and do anything I damn well please. Hell, I thought we all did this, but we don't. We should....

Anyway, I hope you all find this blog enjoying. The thought of laying it all out there for anyone to see makes me very nervous. Most of my writing is done in the middle of the night or when something bad happens. I want that to change. Negative writing can free you only for a moment from whatever is holding on to you so tightly you don't know whether to scream or just cry. Writing about all the good things, the small things, the heart felt things that allow us all to be a bit "out there" is what teaches you. I don't plan to solve any of the worlds problems by any means, but I do plan on telling you how I feel about them. Maybe you will learn something, maybe you won't. All I know is that I will and I can't wait to find out what it will be.

This is going to be cheesy, but must be said. Laurel, Pallie....you girls have been the best teachers of pure encouragement. You fear no judgment, you backdown to nothing and you love every minute of it. Like everyone else in the world you have your troubles, but you would never know. Your ability to enjoy and stand up for the small things in life is what makes the largest impact. Not only do you encourage me to be better to myself and the earth, but you inspire me to not hide it. We all have a little tree hugger in us.....where is the shame in that? :)


pallie said...

I'm so glad that you finally started a blog! It has been an absolutely amazing way for me to organize my thoughts and feel like they are somewhat important. I cannot wait to read more about your thoughts, daydreams, hopes and ideas.

I am so proud of you for putting yourself out there so that we can all see the beauty of your imagination!

Laurel said...

You're sucha a natural and you're going to love this! I felt very vulnerable too when I started mine but it's been a great outlet.

I think one blog a week needs to be devoted to one of your daydreams :) -- and please God, let the Hills daydream make the cut!

Love Youuuu!

Unknown said...

Searcy!! I'm proud of you for giving in... Your blogs are great and I can't wait to read more!