Wednesday, August 31, 2011

early bird special

Growing up my family did not really venture out of the house much for dinner. I am not sure if it was a financial thing, or if my sister and I were really just that embarrassing in public, but dinner at a restaurant was reserved for birthdays only. Oh, and of course there was only one restaurant we went to - Jubilee Seafood. I really cannot complain here. Jubilee is still my favorite restaurant on Earth, so I guess you could say I really lucked out there.

The other week my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary, and they were nice enough to invite me to dinner with them. Guess where we went. :) So, I get off work a 5:00 pm, drove across town to get home and at 5:30 pm my phone rings. It's mom, "Ready for us to come pick you up?" I mean really??? It's 5:30! I asked for at least 15 more minutes and at exactly 5:45 pm she knocks on my door.

Humph. Defeat. Fine. Let's go, mom.

We arrive to a nearly empty parking lot which not surprisingly reflects the status of customers inside the restaurant as well. They seat us in the back and promptly bring us a drink. Mom sits back in her chair and looks around all high and mighty and says in her best southern gossip voice, "Hum, looks like business isn't doing too well does it?"

"Mom, it's 5:45 pm."

1 comment:

Brannon said...

LOL, love her. ready for Jubilee to be a regular spot for me!!